Gray's Crossing

Gray’s Crossing is quickly becoming home to many full-time and many want-to-be full-time residents of Truckee/Tahoe.  Gray’s is the perfect blend of entertainment and community: entertainment for the part-time home owner and community for the full-time home owner.  The location is ideal: only 1.5 miles from Downtown Truckee, 30 minutes to Reno, and centrally located for easy access to several local ski resorts.

Gray's has many living options including modern new builds, classic rustic cabin style homes and Townhome Living.  If you want to design your own home, empty canvas lots are also available.  Whether you are looking for a secluded private location, golf course location or mountain view, Gray's has it all.

Gray's Crossing is home to the critically acclaimed Peter Jacobsen and Jim Hardy championship golf course, yet is so much more than a Golf Community. PJ’s Bar and Restaurant has become one of Truckee's gathering places during the summer months. Families gather to enjoy music on the lawn where adults can enjoy dancing while the children do what children do best—cartwheels and laughter.

Gray's is relaxed and care free—the way life should be.

Home prices range between $750K to over $2M.

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